Fire House No2.
Size: 14,114 sq ft
Budget: $4,322,927.00
The original House No. 2 located at 1385 Horan Drive was constructed in 1962 with additions built in 1978, 1983, 1990. The facility is outdated, not ADA or code compliant, and under sized for the crew and apparatus currently being housed at this location. The existing site does not allow for efficient expansion and has unsafe traffic sight lines and inadequate on-site maneuvering space for apparatus. Due to the age of the facility and condition of the infrastructure it does not warrant the required substantial investment to maintain or upgrade the existing building.
The proposed replacement House No. 2 is to be located at the western edge of the Fenton Logistics Park bordering Highway 44. The (2) two-story configuration will house an expanded crew of seven including support, kitchen, and living accommodations. Fire/EMS offices, fitness center, and public lobby and restrooms are included program elements. The adjacent bay area will be sized to accommodate current and future apparatus in a safe drive through configuration. Critical turnout gear, decontamination equipment and Fire/EMS storage elements will be designed to efficiently support emergency operations. A potential police sub-station may also be included in the program for the fire house.